Moyock Weather Service
Currituck County, NC
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Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V12.07

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Conditions at
23:55 on 11/2/15


Fire Danger





Dew Point 60.6°F
Humidity 98%
Barometer 30.06in
Rate -0.018in/hr
Wind Direction ENE
Heat Index 68.1°F
Rainfall for Today 0.87in
Total Yearly Rainfall 35.60in
Today's Extremes
High Temperature 63.5°F at 4:00
Low Temperature 61.1°F at 23:28
High Heat Index 70.4°F at 4:00
Peak Wind Gust 12mph at 19:30
Astronomical Data
Sunrise 6:29
Sunset 17:08
Moonrise 23:03
Moonset 12:13

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Updated Automatically by AmbientWeather'sVirtual Weather Station  V12.07
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